Will I get sins for having taken interest based loans for school?
If I work in Walmart do I have to pay zakat and offer qurbani?
Is affiliate marketing halal income?
Is buying a house with UIF is halal?
Is loans from guidance residential halal?
Will it be considered riba if I have to give my friend $10 but I tell him I'm gonna give him $20?
Is being an accountant for a firm that deals with interest rates haraam?
Is home insurance permissible?
Is life insurance haram?
Is leasing a car here in the U.S permissible?
Is working for a life insurance company METLIFE halal?
Are interest based loans permissible when taken from a non Muslim in Hanafi Fiqh?
Is full coverage car insurance halal?
If you sell your home (2nd home that would have been used for retirement) you have to pay zakat?
Is having a henna business okay? would the income be halal?
How can Muslims build wealth since interest is haram? Any interest free bank in ATL, GA?
A non mahram muslim brother keeps asking me for money to pay his bills- is that haram?
How do I pay Zakat on business stock?
Is it haraam to own a credit card even if we pay our debts on time?
Is it halaal to overcharge the customers in a business? If the boss is okay with it.
All questions are answered according to the Hanafi Fiqh (School of Thought).