If I have wudu but I have to pee but namaj is due now, can I pray in that state or I need wudu Again
Is it enough to wash all my parts of my body in the shower for ghusl?
If there is a river and there are fishes can u make wudu with that cuz they pee and poo
Does discharge break wudu?
Does a young child need wudhu to touch the Quran?
How to do the masah of the neck in wudu?
How can I clean MY heart from desires that is haram?
Wudhu over socks should cover the ankles but many hadith says to cut sock below ankles?
What to do if you break wudu while in the process of doing it?
If I have surma in my eyes will my ghusl be valid and what about my wudhu?
If some drops comes out after using bathroom, need to change clothes or is it fine?
In wudhu do I take off my socks too wash my legs or wipe over the socks?
If ghusl is wajib, can you still make wudhu, and will get the reward of staying in wudhu?
Is it true that a newborn baby's hair must be shaved otherwise the baby is not PAAK/pure?
Please explain in detail if possible how showering is counted as wudhu?
Wudu before sleeping. What if you have to use the bathroom, do you have to do wudu again?
Can you wear shorts that are above and do wudu. Does this break wudu?
Plz give me references why covering feet is not fard. We dont cover but a lot of people tell me its
Can you think "Bismillah" before making wudu in the bathroom? How to make intentions for wudu?
If you baby spits up on you, do you have to shower to pray or can you just change your clothe?
All questions are answered according to the Hanafi Fiqh (School of Thought).